- | Business / Advisory / Compliance and Agronomy
- | Spraying Technology
- | Data / Software
- | Crop Protection
- | Crop Nutrition
- | Environmental
- | Research & Development
- | Renewables and conservation
CENSIS is the Innovation Centre for digital and cloud technologies, sensing, imaging and the Internet of Things. We help organisations of all sizes innovate and overcome technology barriers and innovate. As one of Scotland’s Innovation Centres, our focus is on creating sustainable social and economic benefit in the Scottish economy.
When it comes to food and farming, we can use these integrated technologies to support how food is grown, livestock is managed and equipment is monitored. We can also use them to enhance food compliance and safety, and manage natural resources. Examples include:
- Optimising crop growth and crop yields – monitoring the weather and soil condition to optimise irrigation, predict disease risk, plan a harvest and reduce the volume of agri-chemicals required and waste created.
- Livestock monitoring – herd health and wellbeing, tracking location and assessing quality of vegetation grazed, managing automated feeding, controlling environments in enclosures and barns
- Tracking expensive, portable equipment and using drones
- Maintenance – monitoring the condition of production equipment to minimise down-time for maintenance and repair.
- Natural environment - compliance, safety, quality
- Supply chain - provenance and authenticity
CENSIS is also helping to deliver the £24.9M Digital Dairy Chain project, helping the south-west of Scotland and Cumbria to become the ‘go to’ UK region for future investment in high-tech dairy processing.
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