Farm Carbon Toolkit
- | Business / Advisory / Compliance and Agronomy
- | Data / Software
The Farm Carbon Toolkit was created by farmers for farmers. For over a decade, we’ve worked to further the understanding of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture. We provide tools and services to measure impact and projects that inspire real action on the ground.
Our vision is a farming sector that minimises its carbon emissions and maximises its carbon sequestration, whilst producing quality food and a wide range of public goods, all produced by resilient and profitable farm businesses.
We have a team of expert advisors on carbon and soils who work directly with farmers helping them to understand their farm GHG emisiosns hot spots and how to reduce emisisions alongside building carbon into soil within resilient, profitable, nature friendly businesses. We have also developed one of the most ppopular farm carbon audit tools - The Farm Carbon Calculator which is used by over 8,000 users. The Calculator is free for farmers to use and provides carbon reporting, benchmarking and scenario planning options.
We run two industry competitions (Soil Farmer of the Year - now in its eighth year) and the newly launched Carbon Farmer of the Year Competition to showcase those businesses going above and beyond to improve soil health, reduce emissions and remove carbon from the atmosphere.
Blackbirds Perch, St MartinsIsles of Scilly
TR25 0QN
United Kingdom