This new event offers knowledge exchange and top-quality networking opportunities with the main decision-makers and influencers across the farming industry. Our attendees need your knowledge, services and products at their fingertips to future-proof their businesses.
Why exhibit?
Meet 1000's of farmers, advisors and rural business owners who are looking for solutions to become more resilient, innovate and for advice on how to face the upcoming agricultural changes.
Join us and benefit from...
→ Decision Makers and Influencers
Get in front of top-quality decision makers and influencers who want to improve and expand their farm business
The Agriconnect network
Future Farming Expo is a part of the Agriconnect portfolio, delivered by the organisation responsible for organising events such as LAMMA, CropTec, Low Carbon Agriculture, the British Farming Awards, and more.
Who are the Future Farming Expo attendees?
78% of visitors were decision makers
60% of visitors attended seminars
87% of visitors were from Scotland
Opportunities to explore at Future Farming Expo

Industry Exposure towards your target audience

Opportunity to take advantage of the sponsorship packages

Benefit from the Agriconnect expertise in delivering events

Demonstrate and show-off your products to experts

Undertake market research

Boost sales and lead generation

Take advantage of networking with key stakeholders

Competitive advantage - maintain your visible presence
Exhibitor testimonials
For its first year, Yara enjoyed being a part of such a dynamic and engaging show. Future Farming Expo allows us to see our own customers and many farmers we don’t get to see at other events. It allowed our area sales managers for Scotland to engage with lots of people, from students to farmers that are interested in new products and digital tools to support their efficiency